Here is a collection of the SpokaneFAVS Rachel Dolezal coverage so far. This post will be added to as we continue to report and columnists continue to write reflections on this evolving story.
- The Rachel Dolezal story and choosing compassion
- Why Rachel Dolezal Is PostModernity’s ‘Mrs. Turpin’
- A Q&A with Rachel Dolezal that FAVS writer Kelly Mathews did in 2014 is trending on social media.
- The podcast of a Coffee Talk on racism and prejudice, featuring Dolezal, is topping the podcast charts. (Takes a minute to load)
- Pastor Eric Blauer explains why the Dolezal story matters to him.
- Pastor Jan Shannon says the Dolezal situation raises a question about good parenting.
- How should the faith community respond?
- FAVS was the only news outlet to cover Spokane NAACP’s Moral Mondays
- FAVS also covered the Arms of Compassion event after Dolezal received hate mail
- FAVS also covered Dolezal at Ferguson protests in Spokane
- Previous coverage of an NAACP symposium on education and racism