Tomorrow we have the opportunity to go to the polls and cast our ballot for our choice of who we would like to see lead the nation, state, county, and city governments over the next few years.
If you are reading this I take for granted you are walking a conscious moral path. Each of us is, in fact, literate, having the ability to realize we are one of the few countries in the world that have a truly open and free election process. It may not be perfect; however, it is one of the best I’m aware of. As I think of the thousands in the Northeast who will struggle just to find a polling place, I realized how important it is for me to cast my vote. Mine will not count for more but rather I am standing up for a sacred duty to my fellow citizens to be involved.
This post may seem simplistic and idealistic to some, but it is from my heart. I hope you take this duty seriously and go forth and add your vote to those that will outline the future.
I wholeheartedly agree.