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HomeCommentaryThe Kingdom of God on Earth, and the Walking Wounded

The Kingdom of God on Earth, and the Walking Wounded


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By Charles Vaden

If you have an eye for it you can see it. It’s the furrowed brow, the unseeing eyes, the imperceptible haze that distorts the vision. Yes, while difficult to see, it’s still there, like a low grade blunt force trauma that permeates the moments of life, an emotional mist difficult to identify, give word to or shake.

What, you might ask, could such a debilitating condition be that gnaws at the edge of consciousness, a dissociative angst? Is it a plague like, biological condition, a virus yet undetected, a genetic trait? No, if it were that easy we would surely have discovered it by now. It is a mass hypnosis, an unconscious acceptance of thoughts and ideas, worse yet, a state of unconsciousness which keeps us from our natural, inherent Devine power, denying unconsciously our own greatness, identity and strength.

M. Scott Peck, M.D. in his book, “A World Waiting to be Born,” calls it, “ the hole in the mind”, and thus, the walking wounded.

Sounds pretty bleak until you realize the hole in the mind is simply a lack of understanding of organizations and systems. We are intimately intertwined, these organizations and systems known or unknown. They are the patch work fabric under which we live our lives in the form of society .

This is where I usually get the Big “HUH”?

Yeah, me to at first, but structural sociology reveals that, structure, (the organizations and systems), creates behavior, and thus feelings!

Now don’t draw a blank on me, just think of baseball or football, the structure of the field determines the behavior. Baseball fields (structures), creates baseball players, (behavior). Emotions and feelings are how you feel about the game.

Now lets see what we can do about the trauma of hole in the mind.

First, go to the aid station. Check!

Find the box marked, Hole in the Mind Medicine. Check!

Read the directions: “Take four, one each of, an idea of perfect self, a healthy relationship vitamin, a, love works, pill (non-bitter) and a natural balanced measure of light.” Check!

Take your meds. Check!

Side effects may include feelings of lightness, brighter vision, emotional release, peace of mind, clarity.

As the meds take effect and healing occurs I suggest the hole in the mind, be conformed with the structures and organizations of the Kingdom of God on earth. (Note, the Kingdom of God on earth is a social structure.) I know, that sounds so un-God like. But just listen, we are social creatures by nature and it’s the only economic policy I’ve ever heard that said, “and all else will be added to you.” For God, being the one responsible for creation, it’s no big deal and besides it comes already installed within and at hand!

So, a kingdom is a society led by a king and a society is a group of people organized for a common cause. The holes in the mind are available for downloading organizations and systems that correlate and resonate between the operating system of structural sociology and the kingdom of God. There’s just four, so it’s simple, an ideology of love and faith, a governance of will, an economy of service and an accounting based on inherent worth and the sacred math of give and it shall be given, a ratio of 1 to 1.65.

So the Rx for healing the hole in the mind is: Take meds daily, reboot your mind with the operating system of structural sociology aligned with the kingdom of God, help others and call me in the morning.

Don’t be surprised if your light breaks forth like the dawn and you become like a well watered garden whose waters fail not.

Charles Vaden
Charles Vaden
Charles R. Vaden was born in Las Vegas, Nevada back when it was a sleepy dusty desert town. After a six year stint in the Marine Corps where he earned the rank of Staff Sargent and served as an Aircrew Survival Instructor during the Vietnam war training pilots how to survive in adverse conditions should they be forced down. Afterward he earned a degree in sociology and minor in psychology and while in school formed the first "Futurist" club, hosted a radio show on KUNV and supported a colleague in the development of a "Solar Powered Lighter-than Airship. "After graduation he spent 15 years in the field of counseling working in adolescent psychiatric, adult drug and alcohol and behavior problem youth at the now internationally renowned Turn-About Ranch in Southern Utah as recommended by Dr. Phil. Vaden is currently developing the interactive matrix of "Star System 5" a tool using Structural Sociology applied to the Kingdom of God on earth so as to develop a working social construct to bring about the social psychology necessary for implementation of the Kingdom.

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