28.1 F
Thursday, March 6, 2025

Tag: westminster

Becoming a warming center because of people willing to help

It’s not a simple thing to become an “emergency warming center” in the space of a month (more or less!).

Staying safe while ministering to mentally ill, poor

This week, Faith & Values news is exploring what happens when violence crosses thresholds in churches, synagogues and mosques. We’ve learned about church safety, mosques set ablaze and how congregations are preparing for the “when” — not “if” — attacks will happen.

In Spokane, churches teeter on a delicate balance of opening their doors wide and locking them tight. One church caters to people who can sometimes be aggressive or hostile. How do they minister to individuals in crisis and keep their own flock safe?

Historic Church Project: Westminster Congregational United Church of Christ

Westminster Congregational United Church of Christ came first, then the city of Spokane.

Built in 1890, the church watched the city grow up around it — a high school, a freeway, other churches.

Must read