Shortly after this summer’s murders at the Sikh Temple in Wisconsin, Sociology Professor Mark Juergensmeyer wrote a short article in which he reflected on the motivations of the perpetrator, Wade Michael Page. In his article, Juergensmeyer identified Page as a “Christian terrorist.”
Law enforcement authorities don't know why suspected gunman Wade Michael Page burst into a Sikh temple in Oak Creek, Wis., on Sunday and opened fire, killing six before he was shot dead by the police.But many American Sikhs say they do know this: Their community has been targeted by a growing number of hate crimes since the 9/11 terrorist attacks. The New York-based Sikh Coalition reports more than 700 such incidents since 2001. The question is: Why?
All eyes are on Wisconsin this morning after a deadly shooting rampage at a Sikh temple that left six people dead, as well as newly identified shooter Wade Michael Page. Sources tell CNN that Page is thought to be a white supremacist, and temple members say they'd never seen him before. Unnamed sources told ABC he's a "skinhead."