I sit in awe that during the same period of time that a group of progressives are preparing for a “Coffee Talk” on racism and prejudice another person or group is painting a swastika on a wall at a Jewish synagogue in Spokane.
The Rev. Todd Eklof, pastor of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Spokane, is organizing another Arms of Compassion event, this time at Temple Beth Shalom.
Tonight's Faith Feast: An Intercultural Progressive Dinner was a tasty success. A sold-out crowd of 30 guests dined together at the Spokane Buddhist Temple, Temple Beth Shalom and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Her specialty is the carrot tzimmes.
First she browns the chopped onions — two 5 pound bags of them — with six cubes of pareve margarine, to keep it kosher.