WASHINGTON (RNS) The Hobby Lobby case could be yet another instance where Justice Anthony Kennedy provides the swing vote in the decision of whether a corporation has religious rights, and whether those rights have been trampled by the government's contraception mandate.
(RNS) He’s Time magazine’s Person of the Year, the most talked about topic on Facebook and the most popular baby namesake in Italy. No surprise, Pope Francis is also the top Religion Story of the Year and the Religion Newsmaker of the Year, according to a poll of Religion Newswriters members.
WASHINGTON (RNS) "Give me an example of a prayer that would be acceptable to Christians, Jews, Muslims, Buddhists,” Justice Samuel Alito asked the lawyer representing two women who did not like Christian prayers at town meetings. “Hindus. Give me an example of a prayer. Wiccans, Baha'i.”
WASHINGTON (RNS) Conservative interest groups, perhaps seeing their best chance in years to advance their causes, have argued aggressively in their briefs to the court not only for favorable rulings but for overturning some of the court's time-honored precedents.