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Monday, December 16, 2024

Tag: silence

Poem: Feasting on Holy Silence

Experience the beauty and nourishment of silence. Discover the hidden essence of Holy Silence and its power in Christi Ortiz' latest poem.

Scorsese’s Gods of the Streets Are Rarely Far Off in His Films

Martin Scorsese stands in a long line of Catholic American filmmakers, stretching back to the 1930s and 1940s. At a time when Catholicism still seemed foreign to many Americans, those directors helped normalize the faith, making it seem like part of a shared American story.

Ask A Quaker: Quaker Silence

One reason is that Quakers consider silence a sacred place, a special and set apart meeting place — that is where people can encounter the living God.

Poem: The Courage To Sing

...and birds chirping in the background on this cold winter morning as if to taunt me with their joy and song and carefree nature

Mini-retreat at Immaculate Heart Retreat Center aims to attract young people

“Silence can often seem like an absence of things; silence sometimes feels empty and heavy,” she said, “but I want people to be able to find silence and find the lightness and the freedom in silence.”

To speak, or to be silent?

I know a young couple who recently lost a child through a miscarriage. It was very sad, even heartbreaking. And yet, I didn’t write a note, or make a call, or stop by their home. I felt awkward and I was silent.

Support: You Keep Using That Word. I Do Not Think It Means What You Think It Means.

The responsibility to educate doesn’t only fall on the heads of your Muslim, Jewish, brown, immigrant, disabled, LGBTQ friends. We need you!

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