Among the so-called "New" Atheists, few topics have seen so much ink spilled, and so many words spoken, as the supposed threat of Islam. Since 9/11, the religion has become a favorite whipping post for atheist authors, speakers and thinkers to argue the harm that comes with religious belief.
Uber-atheist Sam Harris is getting all spiritual.
In his new book, “Waking Up: A Guide to Spirituality Without Religion,” the usually outspoken critic of religion describes how spirituality can and must be divorced from religion if the human mind is to reach its full potential.
The Gnu Atheist Sam Harris had a smirk and a devil-made-me-do-it look as he filled the screen with images of women in provocative poses. He made a half-hearted effort to echo many feminist and Christian critiques of such commercializing of the female body.