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Friday, March 28, 2025

Tag: rna

RNA Coverage Day 1: Meditation, Women Leadership, God and Guns

"Jews are -- and continue to be -- deeply involved in saving lives through gun violence prevention" - @rachelklaser #RNA2014 @TheRAC

Thank you, Spokane.

Around two years ago I moved to your town, sat with many of you and said my company and I were going to be launching an online publication that would cover religion news in this area. The site didn't yet have a name, or a URL. All I could promise you was that it would be super cool and fill a void in your community.

Best one-liners from a lunch with Bolz-Weber and Sara Miles

Sarcastic, uncensored, best-selling author theologians headlined the luncheon at Saturday's Religion Newswriters Association's luncheon, titled, "A smart-ass tattooed lady and a middle-aged sexual deviant talk about Jesus."

Health Reform and Religious Freedom

The 2013 Religion Newswriters Association opened its conference Thursday with a panel discussion on health reform and religious freedom.

Journalists vote for contraception fight as top 2012 U.S. religion story, pick Cardinal Dolan as top newsmaker

The U.S. Catholic bishops’ opposition to national health care legislation mandating contraception coverage was ranked the No. 1 Religion Story of 2012 by members of the Religion Newswriters Association.

Related to the top story, the top religion newsmaker was Cardinal Timothy Dolan of New York, who became the point man for Catholic objections to required coverage of contraception, sterilization and morning after drugs in Obamacare.

Must read