Anyone who knows me well will tell you I am unusually protective of my right to compose music. I often perceive external forces to be inhibiting my efforts. In reality, of course, my obstacles toward writing music are entirely internal. But this was not always the case.
A God that can care must be a personal God. It seems to me that people are misreading the question. A personal God is a God that is also a person and relates on a personal level to other persons.
Having a "personal God" feels kind of like making God into an app or a step tracker or a brand. Like, "oh hey, my personal brand is doing really well."
I do believe in a personal God, not as an idea, but as truth revealed in the incarnation of Jesus Christ, the testimony of God concerning Christ in his words and deeds and the testimony of his Apostles and the witness of the Spirit in my own heart and life.
It's not that I believe or don't believe in a personal God. It's that I feel kinda meh on the subject. We have so much that is personal to us, that addresses us as individuals.
Mostly, no. I find the idea of a personal God troubling. I find the idea of a personal God troubling because of suffering: why do people suffer so much?