On Sunday Spokane Faith & Values celebrated its first anniversary with a successful progressive interfaith dinner.
With the help of nine volunteers, 21 guests were able to experience the Spokane Islamic Center, the Sikh Gudwara of Spokane and Millwood Community Presbyterian Church.
The Rev. Craig Goodwin, pastor of Millwood Community Presbyterian Church, is proud to be locavore. In 2008 he and his family spent one year consuming only was is local, used, homegrown or homemade. He wrote about this journey in “Year of Plenty” and preaches it to his congregation.
In keeping with its mission to increase interfaith dialogue in the area, SpokaneFaithandValues.com will celebrate its first anniversary with Faith Feast: An Intercultural Progressive Dinner. The meal will be from 4 to 7 p.m. on Sunday, April 21.