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Saturday, March 29, 2025
HomeTagsMedical Ethics

Tag: Medical Ethics

Ethicists criticize treatment of brain-dead patients

(RNS) Many doctors are questioning continued medical procedures on a 13-year-old girl declared brain-dead nearly a month ago, calling interventions to provide nutrition to a dead body wrong and unethical.

POLL: Should businesses get exemptions from the contraception mandate?

Hobby Lobby Stores Inc. is seeking an exemption from the part of the healthcare mandate requiring employers to offer coverage that includes acccess to the morning-after pill.

The craft store chain's fight, made on behalf of the founding family, has reached the U.S. 10th Circuit Court of Appeals.

Happening Friday: Local YMCAs to celebrate LIVESTRONG day with bone marrow drive

The YMCA of the Inland Northwest and LIVESTRONG at the YMCA will be hosting a Bone Marrow Donor Registration Drive in honor and celebration of LIVESTRONG Day on Friday from 8 a.m to 8 p.m at all three YMCA locations.

“As committed partners in the effort to support survivors of cancer, it is important that we give members of the Spokane community an opportunity to take a meaningful action in the fight against cancer,” the organization stated in press release.

Doctors warn against ‘reproductive coercion’

While researchers don’t know exactly how common it is, the nation’s leading group of obstetricians and gynecologists says women should be screened for ‘reproductive coercion.’

It’s a personal choice

The conscious choice to allow life to end by voluntary withdrawal of medication is a personal choice for the individual to make. I have no more right to tell someone they must continue to suffer “in hope” of a cure than I have to tell someone they should leave to make room for the rest of the population.

Death is the Christian’s enemy

“Give strong drink to the one who is perishing, and wine to those in bitter distress; let them drink and forget their poverty and remember their misery no more,” Proverbs 31:6-7.

I've been thinking about this issue since my mother is battling, most likely, terminal cancer if she doesn't get healed.

A Methodist perspective on euthanasia

Euthanasia is one area in which our United Methodist Book of Discipline makes a definitive statement. However it does so only after thoughtful reflection on the many difficult issues that surround death and dying.

Must read