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Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Tag: marriage

Love and Marriage: It’s Never Too Late

Only a hopeless, clueless, pie-eyed romantic could go through four marriages without learning something of value.

Get Your Hearing Checked

It’s very hard to justify sitting by yourself watching television when the woman you claim to love is working her fingers to the bone for your benefit.

Ask An Eastern Orthodox Christian: Restoring Your Marriage

In the Eastern Orthodox Church marriage is a sacred and holy mystery joining a man and a woman in union with God.

Ask A Catholic: Sacramental Marriage

It's both spouses being baptized that makes a marriage sacramental.

Pulling Equal Weight: These Numbers Didn’t Lie

Grabbing a sheet of paper, I started listing household tasks in one column and then created two adjacent columns to record the percentage of each chore Ellen and I performed. How sweet this was going to be when, upon completing the list, I would see the 50/50 split in nearly every category, except for those where the percentage was heavily weighted on my side.

The Joy of Oppression

Growth in faith often is greatest when religion's back is against the wall.

Marriage’s grim future

Two articles raise some questions about where matrimony is headed.

Must read