Recently in the SFAV’s web conversations there have been a number of comments posted, most using a peculiar and often rather flawed method of justification. I do not exempt myself from this criticism. I have seen in particular numerous references to sacred scriptures, usually the Christian Bible, and references to tradition; these are both calls to authority. However, there is very little use of scientific historical method, linguistics, or sociology and anthropology.
There is a significant reason why the topic of Jesus’ resurrection has become such a hot button issue in recent years. The Jesus Seminar is certainly a boiling point, but the JS is really just a culmination of a theological movement that for the most part organized Christianity has tried to suppress.
For those of us who are concerned with spiritual development, we are living in a very interesting age. Not only are we confronting the need to modify our language and images to convey the new demands of our new cosmology, along with the demands for a greater epistemological rectitude, we are bathed in an ocean of equality and grace, that we, every small entity of the world, or creation, are due equal respect.