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Friday, February 28, 2025

Tag: freedom

From 1776 to 2024: Reflecting on America’s Ongoing Fight for Freedom

Explore America's ongoing journey for freedom, from the Declaration of Independence to the 1964 Freedom Summer. Discover how the fight for equality and voting rights shapes our democracy today. Learn why truth and freedom remain fragile allies in 2024

America’s Democracy Is Still Growing Up

Although we established the first modern democracy, we’re not at the top. Some nations are improving the model. Certain characteristics, such as low voter participation or polarization, contribute to our current lower ranking. The recent upheavals we’re enduring are growing pains. Efforts are being made to repair our faults, yet opposing efforts undermine our democracy.

Should White Christians Celebrate Juneteenth?

Sharing Juneteenth with people from different racial and ethnic backgrounds and united by a common faith is one of the most powerful ways to celebrate. 

Entitlement and Patriotism

Where is the healing power in an excessive show of freedom?

The freedom to think for myself

I’m grateful for the freedom to think for myself. We enjoy tremendous opportunity to pursue any thought path we choose, and to find almost unfiltered information from speakers and writers and sages and elders.

On Restricted Freedoms

One of the recent occurrences of a free speech “issue” in popular media to cause an uproar was the firing of Curt Schilling over controversial comments/posts on Facebook.

The roots of freedom

As we celebrate our freedoms this July 4th, we are being challenged, both nationally and globally, to protect those freedoms from the agenda of those who are motivated by their political or religious ideology to exert ultimate control over others’ lives.

Must read