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Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Tag: eucharist

After 55 years, Idaho tabernacle returns to sanctuary prominence

Read why and how St. Mary's Catholic Church in Moscow, Idaho, finally moved its tabernacle from an alcove to the center of the sanctuary.

Sounds of crickets celebrating Mass

Discover the poetry of crickets: their songs, their courtship, and the magic they bring to late summer evenings.

The 3 W’s of being a pilgrim: Walking, watching and waiting

Follow Lisa Ormond's life-changing pilgrimage in Idaho. Experience the power of faith and the joy of seeking a divine encounter.

Protestant churches embrace gluten-free bread for Communion as Vatican reaffirms ban

While the Roman Catholic world digests a Vatican letter confirming the church’s prohibition on gluten-free wafers, Protestant churches continue to place orders for a Eucharist that won’t bother the gluten-intolerant.

POEM: Hearer of the Word

Why oh Lord am I here? Why have you created me?

Did Pope Francis say Lutherans can take Communion at Catholic Mass?

Francis stressed that it was not his place to give permission for Protestants to receive Catholic Communion, and that differences on doctrine remain.

When God Remembers

The movie runs simple. An eleven year old, Riley, moves with her family from Minnesota to San Francisco. She does not like it one bit, and almost runs away by catching a bus back to Minnesota. The brilliance of Pixar’s latest movie is that we go on an adventure in Riley’s mind with her five core emotions to see her motivations. Watching it, I discovered an insight into a theological mystery about Jesus’ crucifixion.

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