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Thursday, March 6, 2025

Tag: economics

Save now, spend later?

Two articles highlight the ridiculous extremes of our focus on money.

Spartan and Jesus Economics: A possible path to turning the world upside down?

The Spartans are famed as having built one of the most revered and feared militaries of the ancient world, but their way of life was so harsh and demanding that the word “spartan” has become synonymous with a strict, severe and minimalist way of life.

Study: Protestant work ethic isn’t just Protestant anymore

(RNS) Two economists found that the “measure of total Christian adherents is robustly and positively correlated with states’ unproductive entrepreneurship scores” in a given state.

How much is enough?

One of the perennial quandaries for most people of faith is "How much is enough?" Most major world religions have some sort of message that ethical values include living simply, not working to amass large amounts of wealth, helping out those less well off or less able.

091813 quote

"Right now, 400 people in America have more wealth than half of the country. I do not begrudge success, but can anyone justify that...

Must read