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Tag: earth ministry

Vigil to Be Held Nov. 5 in Opposition to GTN Pipeline Expansion

Opponents of a pipeline capacity expansion are planning a “Vigil for Community Safety” this Sunday, Nov. 5, from 4:30 – 5:30 p.m. at St. Mark’s Lutheran Church in Spokane.

People’s Hearing on Proposed Expansion of Spokane Valley/Liberty Lake Area Pipeline to be Held Virtually Feb. 13

Capacity expansion of a natural gas pipeline running under southeast Spokane Valley and western and northwest Liberty Lake will be the subject of a “People’s Hearing” on Monday evening, Feb. 13.

Event seeks to create a better future for lower Snake River

At a “Spokane Loaves and Fishes,”event on Tuesday night at the Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist a panel of farmers, commercial fishermen, Northwest tribal members and activists discussed issues concerning the dams and salmon conservation on the Columbia-Snake River Basin.

Vote Yes on The Laudato Si Initiative

As a Catholic, my religious values call me to be a strong supporter of Initiative 1631, the “Clean Air, Clean Energy” measure on November’s ballot.

Must read