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Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Tag: dating

Father Knows Best: What’s the key to a long distance relationship?

The first key to a successful long distance relationship: set a date in the reasonably near future by which you and your partner will live in the same city.

Tamales and Belonging

There was something rhythmic about the process. I started with an empty corn husk resting on the palm of my hand.

Father Knows Best: I hate when my girlfriend goes clubbing

The neurologist and author Oliver Sacks tells the story of a patient who is haunted by a nightmare. This patient is afraid to go to sleep because, every time that she does, a monster chases her.

Father Knows Best: My boyfriend won’t give me a ring

What would happen if your fiancé were to give you a ring? If the three of us — you, your fiancé, and I — were sitting in my office, that’s the question with which I would begin our conversation.

If love waits, does a backlash follow?

Early in 2013, there was a buzz around the blogosphere regarding the Christian Purity Culture or Abstinence Movement. The authors of these blogs, mostly women in their mid-20s to mid-30s, are seeing in hindsight that the purity pledges they took as teens had far greater consequences that just retaining their virginity.

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