Consumers haven't yet celebrated Halloween or Thanksgiving, yet Christmas trees, ornaments and lights are already being highlighted at local retail stores.
I do indeed celebrate Christmas, though obviously as a secular holiday. So as the mood takes me, Christmas tree and decorations go up, and I play Christmas albums and movies all the rest.
On a shopping trip with his wife and kids, a man attempts to defuse a heated situation involving a Christian woman overreacting to an unfortunate shopping clerk's innocent holiday remark. This fictitious story is told in the style of "The Night Before Christmas."
Life is busy. During the Christmas season, life tends to be WAY too busy. Add to that the reality of what I call Christmas craziness, and some of us might be headed for a nervous breakdown!
More than usual, at Christmas we tend to fill our lives with events, activities and duties that clutter up our hearts and minds.
‘Tis the season for “Bah Humbug” and “God bless us every one,” especially as the world gathers to celebrate the 200th anniversary of the birth of Charles Dickens.
My husband, Chris, and I decided to have a “real” Christmas tree this year. By “real,” I mean, “fake,” but also I mean, “more real than the three-foot, self-lit, $10 one Chris bought years ago, before we met.” A “nicer fake” tree, if you will.
Chris started the decorating — stringing up LED lights all over the inside of the house. I pulled out the Christmas tree from the garage.