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Ask An Atheist: Is atheism a religion?

That is, if the word "religion" is used in anything like the way normal people use it, which is belief in supernatural entities that involve claims about the history of things, proscriptions about behavioral dictates, and degrees of veneration or worship.

Ask An Atheist: Why do we die?

Add language and written messages to the mix and you get an even more interesting process. We humans can achieve an "immortality" quite independent of death, cellular or multicellular.

Ask An Atheist: Are you sure there’s no God?

That absolute belief is, as always, open to new evidence. But I'm not holding my breath that such evidence will appear, so my provisional absolute remains such.

Ask An Atheist: Would the world be better off without religion?

There is no way for religion to disappear because it comes from the way our brains function.

Ask An Atheist: Contingent Existence

Is it in the rule book that the universe itself cannot be (wink at Aristotle) an Uncaused Cause?

Ask An Atheist: How come every society has a religion?

We humans crave explaining things, and we are naturally drawn to inventing supernatural explanations for things we didn't understand.

Ask An Atheist: Do you celebrate religious holidays?

Christmas is too fun of a time to leave it to Christians to monopolize.

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