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HomeCommentaryStep out of the 'masquerade'

Step out of the ‘masquerade’


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In the Christian tradition it is called the Christ Consciousness. In the Buddhist tradition it is called the Buddha Nature. Whatever the name, there is a pureness that resides within each of us waiting to be discovered. Our ego will do what it can to hamper the exploitation and discovery of this jewel. Once we have not only discovered this essence within but allowed it to flourish, we then have no need for the ego and therefore the inner conflict.

The spiritual path is the unfoldment of that pure essence to live a more fulfilling life within this physical plane of existence. When we bring our purest nature to the world our life becomes richer and fuller and we make a greater contribution to the world.

We may not all bring great works of art or music to the world but we may be great parents, create wealth that is shared with employees, coach teams that instill sportsmanship and respect, or become politicians that not only vote our conscience but are able to work with others in compromise to build a stronger community. The list of what we can bring to the world is endless.

As individuals our only real job is to work to uncover that pureness within ourselves and live our lives in a way that contributes to the greater good of the world. In this endeavor we may find we can respect others for their path and let go of the idea that there is but one path to goodness. This is where respect begins and the ability to work together for the greater good with all people.

My job is not to “tell” you how to look and be but rather to shine myself and assist you in creating your unique light.

The invitation is to step out of the “masquerade” and allow your essence to come forth.

Joe Niemiec
Joe Niemiec
The Rev. Joe Niemiec Jr. began his spiritual quest in 1986 when he walked out of a Houston jail and was struck by the realization that his life was in shambles. He began his quest for ‘getting back on track’ with 12 step programs, followed by learning and practicing meditation with a local Redding, California, teacher.

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12 years ago

Good morning Joe,

I read your article with interest, and the thing that gets to me about it is that you included Christianity in with it. I’m not all that well versed in Buddhism but I think I remember enough about my brief study of it to recognize that your world view as presented, in this article at least, is pure Buddhism. It couldn’t be farther from Biblical Christianity, although it might be represented in some more modern, liberal versions of Christian “tradition” that don’t give much weight to the Scriptures. I’ve seen my inner self in action before having commited my life to Jesus Christ, and even after that as I let my flesh run the show at times, and it’s not pretty. My dad always used to bring my focus back to Jeremiah 17: 5 & 9. It’s a bitter pill to swallow, but the right medicine starts the healing process.

Rev. Joe Niemiec Jr.
Rev. Joe Niemiec Jr.
12 years ago

You are quite right I come from a liberal tradition that see the bible differently than many.
I often refer to Jesus The Christ, Jesus was the man while Christ was the consciousness which he embodied. Christ was a Greek word long before Jesus was born and as a liberal thinker I recognize this consciousnesses dwells within all of us though few even have that realization.
Much of the teaching of Jesus was vastly different than the old testament God you retreat to. Jesus taught love and compassion not guilt and shame. I will even take a LONG step and point out that there are people that believe he went to India and studied Buddhism during his “Lost Years.”

12 years ago

Everyone has the right to their own beliefs and opinions, but to say that Jesus teaching doesn’t agree with the “old testament God” is totally false. That is a delusion that is embraced by many who don’t wish to be fettered with responsibility to the Almighty God. The God of the Bible is the same yesterday, today, and forever. He’s never changed, and Jesus Christ is, was and always will be that same God in the flesh. They are one in the same essence. They agree on everything, in every way. To say that Jesus teaching is different than God the Father’s revealed in the old testament means that either you haven’t really studied all of Jesus’ teachings in the gospels, and understood that He commissioned the apostles writing of the new testament letters, or you willingly choose to ignore them. I would say that you believe in a different Jesus, as is warned of in II Cor. 11. Jesus teaching was a perfect balance of compassion, hope and warning of judgement to unrepentant sinners. He spoke more of hell than any other biblical voice. Of anyone that should fear Jesus it should be those who claim to be religious, but yet deny Him His proper place as Lord, Savior and King. Jesus claimed that He Himself is the Way, the Truth and the Life. He had no need to study anything, especially something that would divert souls away from their only source of true and eternal life, that is, Himself.

Aaron Weidert
Aaron Weidert
12 years ago


I’m so sorry for you. I really really am. Because your vision of God and Jesus is not only debatable, it’s tragic. You apparently believe in an angry, bitter God that I just can’t reconcile my belief with. I would direct you to this article, and I sincerely hope and pray you read and absorb its message. God is here for all of us, not just the smugly pious. He’s here for the prostitutes and tax collectors too.


12 years ago

Hi Aaron, no need to feel sorry for me. I’ve never been more blessed or closer to the Lord in my life. My conscience is clear, I know Who I am believing in and why and I’m just praying that God will lead me where He wants me to go. The God I believe in is the God of the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation. You should read through it some time and you might get a different vision of God yourself, otherwise you wouldn’t have written such a reply. God loves sinners such as myself and all others in the world. I am definitely not smog, or pious, but realize that without the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on my behalf I would be totally deserving of His judgement and punishment myself. That’s how He proved His love for sinners and whoever rejects that tramples on His precious blood.

God’s message to prostitutes and tax collectors is the same one as it is to me. Jesus said, Come to me all that labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest. He told the adultress that He saved from stoning that her faith IN HIM had saved her and to go and sin no more. He is here for all of us, but is only saving those who come with a broken and contrite heart, wanting to be rid of their slavery to sin and self destruction. To every one of them He promises forgiveness and eternal life, just like He did for me.

The tragedy is that deceivers in this world try to keep people from being saved by their own self-righteous persuasions against the true gospel message.

12 years ago

Aaron, I read the article from your link. I agreed with some of it, but not all. His tone set himself up a more loving and compassionate than “other” Christians. Most of the compassionate outreach I know of comes from believers in all of Scripture like myself. UGM and Anna Ogden Hall, iChoice ministries are both giving of themselves to help those less fortunate, street people and young girls who are afraid. There are disgusting TV evangelists and there are disgusting abortionists. God will sort out the wheat from the tares at the end of the age. How concerned are you about all those around you who are lost and going to hell because of their rebellion against the God of the Bible, or are you helping them to stay that way?

Aaron Weidert
Aaron Weidert
12 years ago

First of all, I apologize. I wasn’t intending to imply that you personally were smugly pious. I meant that in a much more general way, and just didn’t word it well. Specifically I was trying to express my frustration and something I see way too much of, and that’s an attitude along the lines of “well we’ll just have to wait and see who shows up in heaven, won’t we?” It’s almost like an “I’m getting saved and you’re not, neener neener neener,” and it drives me nuts. And it’s rampant and entirely un-Christian, But I didn’t intend to imply that you were doing that, just that I’m frustrated by how much of that I see in our culture.

As far as whether I’m concerned, of course I am. I’m concerned about anyone and everyone I see who does things I think are wrong. But unless what they’re doing causes direct and measurable harm to others, I don’t get to impose my morality on them. I don’t get to tell people they can’t drink in case they become alcoholics. I don’t even get to tell actual alcoholics they can’t drink. Same with smoking, etc. People are free to make their own choices, and that’s exactly the way it should be.

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