Spokane Area Vacation Bible Schools Resume In-Person
By Emma Craven
Since Covid restrictions have been lifted – for now – many religious organizations have returned to in-person services and with that also comes a return to Vacation Bible Schools (VBS) and youth religious camps. Many parents are excited for normalcy to only return in their lives but for their children.
Learning from Covid
Northview Bible Church will be returning with an in-person and free VBS called Treasured. Donna Robbins, the Children’s Ministry Director at Northview Bible Church, explained what the church has learned from doing a virtual VBS last summer and how they plan to use that experience and knowledge for this year’s in-person event.
Robbins said, “Due to all of this wonderful video experience we have gained, we have decided to add to our VBS an interactive video portion for our skit time and videos from our pastors teaching the kids about Bible verses.”
This event also differs from past VBS sessions because it is taught at night. Robbins said they moved to a nighttime program to serve families in the community who might not be able to participate during the day and to allow for more families to serve together at VBS.
Another Vacation Bible School that is returning to in-person service this summer is the Kingdom Chronicles Vacation Bible School from the South Hill Seventh-day Adventist Church.
Can Count On God
VBS Director at South Hill Seventh-day Adventist Church, Leticia Bartha, said one of the goals of this program is for, “children to know that although these world events are uncertain, God is certain and we can always count on him and we want to inspire hope and unity in the midst of everything that is happening in the world.”
With not having VBS last year, Bartha is also focused on “creating a fun but safe environment for all those who attend VBS on our church grounds while also making it very special for the children.”
Liberty Lake Church will also be joining Northview Bible Church and South Hill Seventh-day Adventist Church by having a VBS that takes place in person. Theirs will also be in the evening.
A Safe and Fun Place
Julie Quirk, administrative assistant at Liberty Lake Church, said, “The goal of our VBS is to have a safe and fun place to teach children about God’s love and truth.”
This VBS also asks parents to stay with their children to take part in the fun.
“For the past eight years or so we have had the MrJ Band come and do VBS for us. They are a Band with Rockin’ Music, Contagious Teaching, Zany Games, & Heart Change all in one package! They are a big hit with the children and adults,” Quirk added.
All three vacation Bible schools are free and offer evening programs to better accommodate parents in the Spokane community.
To register
For more information about the Northview Bible Church VBS, Treasured, taking place Aug. 16-20 from 6:15-8:30 p.m, or to register, visit: https://nbcspokane.churchcenter.com/unproxy/registrations/events/920893
For more information about the Kingdom Chronicles VBS from the South Hill Seventh-day Adventist Church, taking place July 26-30 from 5-8 p.m, or to register, visit: https://www.myvbs.org/southhillchurch
For more information about the Liberty Lake Church VBS, The Captain’s Ay, Aug. 9-12 from 6-8 p.m, or to register, visit: https://libertylakechurch.com/home