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Monday, February 24, 2025

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Where We Worship: Christ the King settles into new home

After renting, and outgrowing, various spaces throughout town Christ the King Anglican Church is finally settling into its new home at 2103 E. Mission Ave.

The church began in 2005 when three local families left their Episcopal churches because of theological disagreements.

Where We Worship: Salem Lutheran Church focuses on building community in Spokane

Chuckles rose from the congregation as many remembered the words to “Eyes on the Prize,” a 1960s freedom song, which was sung during worship on the seventh Sunday of Easter at Salem Lutheran Church.

Blending traditional hymns, prayers, and Bible readings, Salem Lutheran, which is affiliated with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, holds service Sundays at 10:15 a.m.

Where We Worship: New Community Church brings urban-focused ministry to Spokane

The audience members sat quietly, ignoring the sounds of children playing from the next room, as Russ Davis, wearing his white, blue and gold checkered shirt, and blue denim jeans, preaches from the Book of Acts, 1:8.

“‘You will be my witnesses from the end of the earth to the other,’” Davis said.

Where We Worship: Bethany Presbyterian Church provides progressive Presbyterian perspective

“Cowards can never be moral” is the current message flashing across the digital sign outside of Bethany Presbyterian Church.

Where We Worship: Airway Heights Baptist works to serve community

Airway Heights Baptist Church was established only a few months after the City of Airway Heights was founded nearly 60 years ago.

“We’ve enjoyed growing with the community, it’s been a wonderful effort by the church,” said Pastor Dale Jenkins.

Where We Worship: Eastpoint uses massive space to reach out to community

SPOKANE VALLEY — If you’ve been to Spokane Valley, you’ve probably seen Eastpoint Church.

It’s the old K-Mart and Dollar Store building — with 75,000 square-feet of worship space, offices, youth areas and auditoriums.

Where We Worship: Ekklesia offers Bible-based teachings, dialogue

Ekklesia Church of God, which meets in donated space at Baskets for Babies, is a bible-based congregation that’s “tolerant with reservations,” explained Pastor AJ Donier.

The independent, freewill church began in 2008 by Donier and his wife Jennine who were seeking a church that was true to the teachings of Jesus.

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