Buddhist nuns from Sravasti Abbey will begin a 6-week meditation class series at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Spokane beginning Oct. 1.
Classes will be Mondays through Nov. 5, from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. Ven. Thubten Semkye and Ven. Thubten Chonyi will teach from “Guided Meditations on the Stages of the Path”, a written and audio meditation manual by the Abbey's abbess and founder, Ven. Thubten Chodron. The fall series will focus on the fundamental Buddhist ethic of non-harmfulness and how this daily practice contributes to personal and global peace, according to a news release. An additional resource for the fall series is “Ethics for the New Millennium,” a written by the Dalai Lama.
Classes include meditation instruction and practice, Buddhist teaching, and group discussions. Regular attendance is encouraged, though drop-ins are welcome. There is no charge, and donations are appreciated.
Write or call Sravasti Abbey for more information at office.sravasti@gmail.com or 509-447-5549..