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HomeIsrael-Hamas WarLocal Groups Organizing Emergency Gaza Rally in Spokane on Saturday

Local Groups Organizing Emergency Gaza Rally in Spokane on Saturday


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News Brief by FāVS News Staff

Various organizations and concerned community members have called for an emergency rally for Gaza on Saturday from noon to 1 p.m. at the Thomas S. Foley Courthouse, 920 W Riverside Ave.

The intent of the rally is to protest ongoing attacks on Palestinians and to stand in solidarity with Palestinians as a community, according to a press release from Jewish Voice for Peace Spokane.

“Israel’s escalating violence, with the approval of United States politicians, has created such terrible displacement and carnage, and it must cease,” the release reads. “Despite the United Nations’ investigations into Israel, our politicians still refuse to commit to a ceasefire. UN human rights experts have even concluded that there are ‘reasonable grounds’ that the state of Israel is currently commiting genocide in Palestine. As U.S taxpayer money continues to funnel into the military industrial complex and into military aid for Israel, it is apparent that the Biden administration is enabling a genocide.”

The event is described as an “emergency rally” calling for a permanent ceasefire.

It will feature speakers from the various organizations sponsoring this event. The Inland Northwest Coalition for the Liberation of Palestine will have a booth containing literature about Palestine, as well as practical ways to help Palestinians affected in the conflict.

The organizations sponsoring this event are Jewish Voice for Peace Spokane, Dorothy Day Labor Forum, Spokane Democratic Socialists of America, Veterans for Peace Chapter 35 and Communist Party USA Eastern Washington.

Tracy Simmons
Tracy Simmons
Tracy Simmons is an award-winning journalist specializing in religion reporting and digital entrepreneurship. In her approximate 20 years on the religion beat, Simmons has tucked a notepad in her pocket and found some of her favorite stories aboard cargo ships in New Jersey, on a police chase in Albuquerque, in dusty Texas church bell towers, on the streets of New York and in tent cities in Haiti. Simmons has worked as a multimedia journalist for newspapers across New Mexico, Texas, Connecticut and Washington. She is the executive director of FāVS.News, a digital journalism start-up covering religion news and commentary in Spokane, Washington. She also writes for The Spokesman-Review and national publications. She is a Scholarly Assistant Professor of Journalism at Washington State University.

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