Letter to the Editor: Civic Leaders Must Reject Christian Nationalism and White Supremacy
To submit a Letter to the Editor email TracySimmons@SpokaneFāVS.com
As Faith Leaders and Leaders of Conscience of Eastern Washington and North Idaho, we are disturbed at the recent presence of Mayor Nadine Woodward at the “Let Us Worship” rally where she was on stage with Sean Feucht and Matt Shea.
Feucht was well advertised as being featured at this event and is known for his bigotry toward LGBTQ+ people and his embrace of the label of “Christian nationalist.” Matt Shea is known for his violent Christian dominionist and white supremacist ideology as put forth in his “Biblical Basis for War.”
We hold fast to the separation of church and state, as articulated in our nation’s constitution. Further, we reject these attempts to cloak bigotry in religious language. We ask you to do the same.
When our civic leaders stand on the same stage with organizers of an event that excludes and divides our people, they must be called to account and reminded of their civic responsibilities to a City with the new slogan “In Spokane, We All Belong.”
We ask that you, as leaders for the City of Spokane join with us in
- Holding fast to the separation of church and state.
- Rejecting attempts to cloak bigotry in religious language.
- Making clear that civic leaders give no support to the ideology of Christian nationalism or white supremacy.
In peace,
- The Reverend Gen Heywood, Convener of Faith Leaders and Leaders of Conscience of Eastern Washington and North Idaho
- The Reverend Liv Larson Andrews, Salem Lutheran Church
- Petra Hoy, Community Member / NAACP Education Committee Member
- William Aal, Tools for Change
- Samantha Mumford, MPA, PMP, Security Advisor Veradale UCC
- Jan Young, Life Deacon, Veradale United Church of Christ
- Don Young, Life Deacon Chair, Veradale United Church of Christ
- Elise DeGooyer, FAN (Faith Action Network) Executive Director
- Brianna Dilts, Eastern Washington Organizer, Faith Action Network
- Victoria Harris MD, MPH / Member, Temple Beth Shalom
- Pam Silverstein MD / Member Jewish community
- The Reverend Debra L. Conklin, St. Paul’s and Liberty Park United Methodist Churches and The Oak Tree
- The Reverend Kaye Hult, Shalom Church Spokane, (UCC and Mennonite)
- The Reverend Roger Hudson, U.M.C.
- Naghmana Sherazi, MCAS
- Quan Yin (Lynne Williams, MD, Baraka Spiritual Sufi Community in Spokane
- The Very Reverend Heather VanDeventer, Episcopal Church
- The Reverend Walter Kendricks, Pastor, Morning Star Missionary Baptist Church
- The Reverend Andy CastroLang, United Church of Christ
- The Reverend Jim CastroLang, United Church of Christ & Board Member, Faith Action Network
- The Rev. Dr. Mark Finney, Pastor, Emmaus Church Spokane
- The Reverend Rick Matters, Episcopal Church
- The Reverend Alissa Amestoy, Spokane Valley United Methodist Church
- Sr. Pat Millen, OSF, Sisters of St. Francis of Philadelphia
- Rabbi Tamar Malino, Temple Beth Shalom and Congregation Emanu-el
- Charity Doyl, Multicultural Organizer, Spokane Valley
- Rev AC Churchill, Earth Ministry / Washington Interfaith Power and Light, Executive Director
- Silver Valley Community Resource Center
- Children Run Better Unleaded
- Tracy Morgan, Co-Chair RG*NEW
- Joan Berkowitz, member Jewish community
- Jennifer Gale Compau, Community Member, Vflats Artisan Farm : Anti-violence projects
- R. Skyler Oberst, international interfaith leader and community advocate
- The Reverend Pamela Starbuck, Manito Presbyterian Church
- The Reverend Dr. Scott Starbuck, Manito Presbyterian Church
- Senator Maralyn Chase, Retired