On Sept. 21 Immaculate Heart Retreat Center will hold a discussion, “Greater things…shall you do. Holy Spirit Opportunities for the Healing Today” as part of its monthly Coffee and Contemplation gathering.
People of all denominations are invited to attend the even, which will be led by Andi and Ernie McGoran.
The McGorans have been members of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal since 1993 and have hosted a weekly prayer group for six years before taking a sabbatical leave in France, and later joined the team at the Healing Rooms, where they were part of the original prayer team ministry for many years.
In a press release, the discussion was described this way:
“Jesus promised that through the power of prayer and connection with the Holy Spirit, we would do even greater things than He did, bringing about positive change in our world beset by sin and dysfunction. Andi and Ernie have much to share about their experiences and the prayer ministry they have undertaken here in the Spokane area.”
The program will be from 9-11 a.m. Cost is $10 and includes breakfast and rolls. Advanced registration is requested online or by calling 448-1224.