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HomeCommentaryHow to recognize the Kingdom within

How to recognize the Kingdom within


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By Charles Vaden

The Kingdom within and at hand: I heard that and didn’t know what it meant. At first it seemed nebulous and distant almost other dimensional in a heavenly reference. But the prayer is specific, thy kingdom come on earth.

On earth we use faith, knowledge and wisdom in an effort to create a more perfect union in the context of a political relationship. It is the truth of science and technology that frees us physically and yet the spiritual agenda of, seek first the Kingdom seems to elude mankind.

Could it be the tool for collapsing the mental/spiritual conception into physical reality is missing? What tool needs to be put in the hands of spiritual teachers so as to empower them to lift their fellow travelers to residence in the Kingdom?

Having grown up in the Nevada desert and wandered many abandoned mines and ghost towns, it seemed, what man once sought, was now gone, or the tool was not yet made that could mine such an ore.

I feel, by searching for the tool that could mine such a rare ore, as is the Kingdom, the promise of all else being added is far too valuable, to be ignored.

The tool that fits the work of the Kingdom, is Structural Sociology, a perfect fit, given the task at hand. To pray for a Kingdom must include instructions for assembly. Those instructions are clearly written in the patterned behavior revealed by structural sociology.

All societies organize around basic social principles of shared ideas, governance, resources and accounting. The same is true of the Kingdom whose organizational structure by its nature will create the societal context wherein all else will be added.

Let’s talk about accounting given everybody likes payday: as in all paradigm shifts a reorientation must occur as the compass of knowledge is brought to the bearing point of the Kingdom. Currently one need only look at the spectrum of lifes’ quality to determine the choices before them.

Accounting in the Kingdom is the balance that measures the extent of giving, like when the king said, “Give and it shall be given … in full measure.” An accounting system was spoken into creation. And this is the crux of the human condition. The acceptance of an accounting paradigm taught by the King that results in a ratio of 1-1.65. Give = 1 and given in return in full measure equaling 1.65. This constitutes the accounting instruction given 15% compaction and a 45 degree angle of repose.

Structural Sociology states, Structure Creates Behavior, by implementation of the accounting system that defines the Kingdom on earth it now need only to be  put into play and implemented. The value ahs been stated, now its up to you.

Charles Vaden
Charles Vaden
Charles R. Vaden was born in Las Vegas, Nevada back when it was a sleepy dusty desert town. After a six year stint in the Marine Corps where he earned the rank of Staff Sargent and served as an Aircrew Survival Instructor during the Vietnam war training pilots how to survive in adverse conditions should they be forced down. Afterward he earned a degree in sociology and minor in psychology and while in school formed the first "Futurist" club, hosted a radio show on KUNV and supported a colleague in the development of a "Solar Powered Lighter-than Airship. "After graduation he spent 15 years in the field of counseling working in adolescent psychiatric, adult drug and alcohol and behavior problem youth at the now internationally renowned Turn-About Ranch in Southern Utah as recommended by Dr. Phil. Vaden is currently developing the interactive matrix of "Star System 5" a tool using Structural Sociology applied to the Kingdom of God on earth so as to develop a working social construct to bring about the social psychology necessary for implementation of the Kingdom.

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8 years ago

“Structural Sociology states, Structure Creates Behavior” Well said Charles.
Lets hear more my friend. I think I’m beginning to understand your message about what is needed to implement the kingdom which, has always existed but, seldom promoted and realized. Thank you.

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