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Monday, January 27, 2025


Trinity Teachings Gone Missing

One of the doctrines of the church that seems to be ignored is the Trinity.

Father Knows Best: “Living in the closet sucks”

“Sexplainer” is a fabulous resource for talking with kids (and sometimes for talking with older people) about bodies, about gender, about sexuality, and so on.

Bondage, Beheadings and Brimstone: revisiting my apocalyptic ghosts

I’m not been a big fan of the ‘Doom and Gloom’ preaching of my faith roots, but lately those ghosts are revisiting me.

The study is over – or is it?

I'm saying that God will reveal truth about my circumstance when it's time, and not one second sooner, and that I have no right to presume I already know what that truth is.

Vaccination is a Public Choice

When I hear someone say, "I don't vaccinate my kids because it is no one else's business," I cringe.

Joy Differs From Happiness

Joy is different than happiness. Joy never depends on outside circumstances.

Father Knows Best: How do I react to anger?

Kent suggests to us that, when we encounter a child who is acting out or is in a rage or is deeply sorrowful, we refrain from saying, “Why is he acting like that?” or “She’s just looking for attention.”

Must read