Editor's Note: Due to your generous donations, Sravasti Abbey no longer needs food donations at this time.
The monastics at Sravasti Abbey follow the Buddha's sangha tradition and only eat the food that is offered to them, and that food is running low.
According to the Buddha, this practice establishes a mutual dependence between monastics and the lay community.
Abbey supporters send out an announcement this week asking people to consider making a donation to the residents noting they, ” rely on the generosity of the community in order to simply eat each day. Currently the Food Fund is alarmingly low. Any contribution to restore the Food Fund will be greatly appreciated. Let's make sure the work of the nuns at the abbey continues and that we, the lay community, sustain a robust support system for their amazing contributions to not only our well being but that of the world's.”
According to the abbey website:
When monastics live in dependence upon the kindness of others, it benefits our practice in many ways.
- Because we do not choose our own food, we practice giving up attachment to foods that we prefer and developing contentment with what is offered.
- Because we are dependent on the generosity of others to stay alive, we become more aware of the kindness of sentient beings. Gratitude develops in our hearts.
- Because we are grateful to others, we are more aware of our responsibility to keep our precepts well and to practice diligently as a way of making ourselves worthy of offerings and of repaying others' kindness.
To make a food donation, email [email protected] or call 509-447-5549 to see what items are needed the most. Monetary donations to the Food Fund can be sent to P.O. Box 20644 Seattle, WA 98102, or can be made online.