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Monday, February 17, 2025

Thomas Schmidt

Thomas Schmidt is a retired psychotherapist and chemical dependency counselor who belongs to the Sufi Ruhiniat International order of Sufi’s and is a drummer in the Spokane Sufi group and an elder at the Country Homes Christian (Disciples of Christ) Church. He is a member of the Westar Institute (The Jesus Seminar people). He studied for the ministry in the late 1950’s at Texas Christian Church and twice married Janet Fowler, a member of a long tern TCU family and a Disciple minister. He was active in the Civil Rights Movement, studying philosophy at Columbia University and psychology in the University of North Carolina university system. He has taught philosophy and psychology, and was professionally active in Florida, North Carolina, and, for 25 years in Spokane. He has studied and practiced Siddha Yoga, Zen Buddhism and, since the mid 1970’s, Sufism and the Dances of Universal Peace. He has three sons and three grandchildren. With the death of his wife, Janet, he is continuing their concentration on human rights, ecology, and ecumenical and interfaith reconciliation.

Brueggemann finally nails it with “Ice Axes for Frozen Seas: A Biblical Theology of Provocation”

Having gone to Texas Christian University and closely associating with Brite Seminary in Ft. Worth, Texas, it is hard for me to say anything good can come out of the Baylor Baptists, yet their press has published the book I would place on the top of 2014’s must read list.

Why cherry picking leads to mistakes

Recently in the SFAV’s web conversations there have been a number of comments posted, most using a peculiar and often rather flawed method of justification. I do not exempt myself from this criticism. I have seen in particular numerous references to sacred scriptures, usually the Christian Bible, and references to tradition; these are both calls to authority. However, there is very little use of scientific historical method, linguistics, or sociology and anthropology.

A review of Geering’s “Reimagining God” (And ideas about many things being discussed on SpokaneFAVS)

In several recent conversations on this web site, there has been much quoting from the Bible. I’m impressed with our ability to use the Bible, yet I’m at the same time dismayed that the way we use it often seems self-serving. The major uses, or misuses if you will, center around picking out passages from the post-Easter stories and theorizing from the Bible's many writers, and the lack of a thorough use of the pre-Easter parables and words attributed to Jesus.

Jesus, ISIS and the Bible

It would be a very cogent discussion if the Bible were, like the Quran, written by one person over a relative brief time. But that is not our Christian or Hebrew Bible.

Karen Armstrong and response the ISIS beheadings

I’ve been horrified by the news and sights of ISIS beheading innocent people for their terrorist reasons, and I’ve been despairing over our western response. All the time I’ve been rereading Karen Armstrong’s Islam: A Short History.

Epistemology – Knowing or Imagination?

After viewing a recent Meat and Potatoes, Epistemology – How Do We Know, I thought through my ideas and have come upon a few that seemed to me to be incomplete: what did I mean by “data” and was I using “empirical as Professor Sankaran was using it?

Hal Taussig and A New Testament: An interview explained

For those of us who are concerned with spiritual development, we are living in a very interesting age. Not only are we confronting the need to modify our language and images to convey the new demands of our new cosmology, along with the demands for a greater epistemological rectitude, we are bathed in an ocean of equality and grace, that we, every small entity of the world, or creation, are due equal respect.

Must read