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Monday, March 3, 2025

Rob Bryceson

Rob Bryceson is the Pastor of The Gathering House Covenant Church and café in the Garland District, formerly First Covenant Church on 2nd and Division. The church site is actually a neighborhood coffee shop six days a week. It serves as a job training institute for people coming out of addiction, poverty, or prison. Bryceson has served as the chairman of the Spokane Homeless coalition for two terms. He holds a Master’s of Divinity from Western Seminary and a Graduate Certificate from Multnomah School of the Bible. His undergrad is in History with English and Government minors from Eastern Washington University. He likes performing classic rock on his guitar. He has four grown daughters who inspire and amaze him and a son who makes him laugh and fills him with joy. Bryceson's wife, Tonia, runs the coffee shop as the director of Street Wise and he will tell you that she is the most amazing person he knows!

Ask An Evangelical: What do you believe about dinosaurs?

This question is probably best answered by discussing how the creation accounts in Genesis chapter 1 and 2 are interpreted. Believe it or not, there are actually a lot of differences of opinion within Evangelical circles.

Ask An Evangelical: What is an evangelist?

An Evangelist is someone who has a specific gift as a public speaker.

Ask An Evangelical: Why is the Evangelical church growing?

The decline of mainline church attendance in the U.S is a pretty well established fact. It only takes a simple Google or Yahoo search to confirm it. The hit to mainline churches far exceeds the very minimal decline of Evangelical churches.

What does the Evangelical Church teach about Angels?

A quick summary of the teaching is that angels are real not mythological. They are created beings that live thousands of years, but they are not gods. They are not now, nor have they ever been humans. People don’t become angels when they die, angels are a different type of creature altogether.

Ask An Evangelical: The Born Again Experience

The term “born again” actually comes from passage in the Gospel John in chapter 3 verses 1 -6.

Ask An Evangelical: What do you think of evolution?

The standard answer is Evangelicals can go either way on evolution with those supporting it claiming it’s just the mechanism God used to create the world as we know it. This might surprise some readers who assume all Evangelicals are literally six day young earth creationists.

How To Understand Your Evangelical Friend

When you pastor a church that’s part of a denomination called The Evangelical Covenant, you often get asked “What does Evangelical mean?”

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