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Saturday, February 22, 2025

Paul Blankenship

Paul Houston Blankenship is an interim pastor at Spokane Friends and a PhD candidate at the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley. He has taught theology and religious studies at Seattle University, Fordham University, and UC Berkeley. Paul's dissertation, Soul Suffering, is an ethnographic study about the spiritual lives of people living on the streets of Seattle.

Ask A Quaker: Quaker Silence

One reason is that Quakers consider silence a sacred place, a special and set apart meeting place — that is where people can encounter the living God.

Ask A Quaker: Liberal vs. Conservative

The real and imagined differences between liberal and conservative Quakers stem from complex historical, social, and theological forces.

Ask A Quaker: Why are you called Quakers?

He liked the name, thank you very much, because he thought everyone should quake before the love of God. So here we are.

Soleimani’s death an opportunity to grieve for your enemies

As I walked through the icy streets—thinking of how much harder it was for King to march given the violences that threatened and ultimate stole life—I imagined Soleimani. I held Soleimani in my thoughts and in my heart and said to myself, through my ignorance and the unconscionable evil he committed, “I love you, Qasem. God teach me to love you.”

Smile, Revolt and Think Differently About Homelessness in Spokane

Standing before the overwhelming problem of homelessness, I often feel helpless.

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