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Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Meredith Hutchison Hartley

Meredith Hutchison Hartley is a nationally-recognized business development consultant, crisis management expert, and co-founder of Me2 Solutions (www.me2-solutions.com). She is also a local business owner. She was the youngest person to receive certification from the American Society for Quality.

Bringing all voices to the table is crucial, but not easy

The FāVS leadership team talk about improving dialogue a lot — obsessively, even — and we're especially concerned about helping people from less-represented background join the conversation here.

Where SpokaneFAVS is going in 2015

For an organization like SpokaneFAVS, planning for the future is especially complex and tricky work.

Why the Book of Mormon is worth seeing, and why I’m disappointed with local Mormon response

On Saturday, Mormons in the Spokane region were encouraged to flood social media with pictures, stories, and scriptures about our faith’s missionary work.

Must read