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Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Scott McIntyre

Scott McIntyre is glad his parents didn’t name him Vladimir or he’d be listed last on this page. While a long time California resident, he was the Oakland Spirituality Examiner for Examiner.com from 2011-12 and about the same time began blogging on several topics. The first, teaching Christians how to lovingly share their spiritual beliefs, emphasized skills that can benefit all forms of one-to-one interaction. He also writes on marriage, travel, downsizing, humor and the motive behind people’s words and actions. After retiring in 2016, Scott embarked on some major ‘R & R’ — Relocating and Rebranding. Following in his sister’s footsteps from the early 80’s, and later in the decade, his parent’s, Scott left the Golden State to become a Washingtonian in a small town just west of Spokane County.

Count to Three – Problem Solved

If a friend’s family is being adversely affected by their greed, overly critical spirit, selfishness, or lack of commitment, helping them move toward solving their problem might be an appropriate act of love. So what was I to do about the depiction of two married men?

Pulling Equal Weight: These Numbers Didn’t Lie

Grabbing a sheet of paper, I started listing household tasks in one column and then created two adjacent columns to record the percentage of each chore Ellen and I performed. How sweet this was going to be when, upon completing the list, I would see the 50/50 split in nearly every category, except for those where the percentage was heavily weighted on my side.

Conversation Cessations

When we utilize any language, in discussions or statements, that is by nature, exclusive, absolutistic, narrow, confrontational, antagonistic, inflammatory or many other adjectives I could offer, we run the risk of turning off the conversational spigot.

Ask An Evangelical: Forsake your family?

In the Christian learning circles I’ve frequented, loving the people around us has always been taught as God’s great commandment to humanity and that ‘hating’ family had to do with where we placed them on the food chain of loyalty. 

Ask An Evangelical: What does biblical truth mean to you?

‘Biblical Truth’ means so much more to me than just accurate information.  The Bible certainly contains a great deal of knowledge, but more importantly, it also includes instructions that God knows are best for his creation to have and follow. 

Ask An Evangelical: Do you believe in free will?

Two FāVS Evangelical writers respond to a question of free will

Ask An Evangelical: What are your views on the Catholic Church?

The Catholic Church has the same problem as all other organizations I’ve ever studied…it’s run by fallible humans.

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