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Thursday, February 13, 2025

Janine Warrington

Spokane native Janine Warrington received her Bachelor of Arts in religious studies from Gonzaga University in 2017 and their Master's in divinity from Candler School of Theology at Emory University in 2021. Areas of interest include the history of evangelical America, sexual ethics, LGBTQ+ advocacy and scripture studies. They now live in Boston where they serve as a youth minister in a Presbyterian Church and run a queer Bible devotion Instagram account. Outside of work, Janine enjoys sewing, yoga, Broadway musicals and baking. Pronouns: She/They.

Churches need to be a safe space to talk about sex

Sex can be a touchy subject, and when it comes to church, people often feel that they are being judged or shamed for their behavior in their private lives.

California takes encouraging steps to protect intersex children

At the same time as I was researching and writing this article, the state of California was having conversations about and moving toward the passing of a resolution to protect intersex children.

We need to understand the history of our faith traditions

History is more than examples of what not to do (although it certainly can be that at times). History charts the course that has brought us to where we are now.

We shouldn’t fear those who are intersex

Because society at large holds this posture toward intersexuality, there tends to be a sense of fear or disgust when a baby with ambiguous genitalia is born.

Biblically informed votes

There is a trend of nominal Christianity in America. Many people adopt the label of a Christian and align themselves with others who are vocal about their same label. It’s as if employing the words “Jesus,” “Bible,” or “God bless America,” demonstrates a political candidate’s validity. This claimed identity then acts as a shortcut for voters who don’t want to research a candidate’s values or platforms.

Abortion, Kavanaugh and the Supreme Court

Time will tell whether Brett Kavanaugh will follow in Kennedy’s ideological footsteps. Kavanaugh has not expressed a definite opinion on Roe v. Wade, but his previous opinions in the D.C. Circuit Court indicate where he stands.

Gay Pride isn’t a sign of the End Times

My friend and other Christians hold this belief – that the increased prevalence of gay pride is a sign of the End Times – but it is a misconception.

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