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Saturday, March 1, 2025

Heather Adams

Heather Adams is a junior at MU. She is majoring in convergence journalism and religious studies. She's been reporting for Columbia Faith & Values as an intern since the site was launched, and she served as an intern in summer 2013. Now, she volunteers as a reporter and also helps with site marketing and community engagement.

Online ordinations aren’t just for weddings anymore

Online ordinations are a fast-growing business, a way for ordinary people to play priest-for-a-day at their friends’ and family’s weddings. But these ordinations are also a 21st-century way of reaching into the metaphysical world.

Update: Urban Outfitters pulls Lord Ganesh duvet cover after Hindus protest

Urban Outfitters has pulled a new duvet cover featuring Lord Ganesh after an outcry from some Hindus.

Move over, smiley face: New religious emojis on the way

In addition to smiley faces, high heels and frogs, Unicode is rolling out a new batch of 250 emojis, among them a set of religious icons.

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