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Friday, February 21, 2025

Deb Conklin

Rev. Deb Conklin’s wheels are always turning. How can the church make the world a better place? How can it make Spokane better? Her passions are many, including social justice in the mainline tradition, emergence and the post-modern and missional church.

True Love – possible, not possible?

This weekend I added an event to my calendar for Feb. 14. And it reminded me that I’ve spent most Valentine’s Days alone. It got me to thinking about a book we read for a monthly book group called all about love: "New Visions" by Bell Hooks.

A Methodist perspective on euthanasia

Euthanasia is one area in which our United Methodist Book of Discipline makes a definitive statement. However it does so only after thoughtful reflection on the many difficult issues that surround death and dying.

Tonight council will vote on “most disturbing budget proposal”

Tonight the city council will be voting on the most disturbing budget proposal that we've seen in some time. Mayor Condon is proposing $20,000 INCREASES for some of his staff while cutting police, fire fighters and even libraries.

What happened to American passion for true freedom?

It has become common for some Americans to yell ‘loss of freedom’ whenever a struggling, single mom gets assistance from WIC; when the federal government says that basic insurance coverage includes contraception; or when someone defends a graduated income tax.

Will charisma trump values?

The left is jubilant that Mitt Romney has chosen Paul Ryan as his vice president running mate. The argument seems to be that Americans, by a significant majority, do not agree with the values that Ryan holds, particularly the values that are actually reflected in the “Ryan budget.”

Do I continue to work for change from within the denomination that I love, or do I leave?

At a late July meeting of United Methodists from our Western Jurisdiction (Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, Arizona and states west) a Statement of Gospel Obedience was adopted. This statement declares our belief that the United Methodist Book of Discipline is in error in its declaration that the practice of homosexuality is incompatible with Christian teaching.

Should the American flag fly in worship space?

In our place of worship we should have symbols of what we worship

Must read