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Friday, February 21, 2025

Bill Williams

Bill Williams is a freelance writer in Connecticut, and a former editorial writer for The Hartford Courant. He is a member of the National Book Critics Circle. He hosts the Greater Hartford Sangha, a local meditation group. He can be reached at [email protected].

“Dreamland” an eye-opener on America’s drug problem

Heroin has killed thousands of young people from Maine to Washington state in recent years.

Strangers Drowning: A book about dilemmas “do-gooders” face

Strangers Drowning: Grappling with Impossible Idealism, Drastic Choices, and the Overpowering Urge to Help By Larissa MacFarquhar Penguin Press, 2015 320 pp., $27.95 By Bill...

Book by Sandy Hook teacher lacks emotional depth

By Bill Williams Choosing Hope: Moving Forward from Life’s Darkest Hours By Kaitlin Roig-Debellis Putnam, 2015 256 pp., $26.95 Three years ago a young man named...

Review: “Nagasaki” is a ‘masterpiece,’ tells stories of survivors

“Nagasaki” is the work of a scrupulous researcher who documents the stories of survivors, many of whom were children when the bomb fell 70 years ago.

Review: “Between the World and Me” adds to needed discussion on racism

Publication of “Between the World and Me” is timely in view of the recent killings of unarmed black men by white policemen.

Review: “The Most Good You Can Do” Challenges Readers To Think Deeper About Charitable Giving

According to Singer, two-thirds of donors do no research before sending a check. He encourages potential givers to consult organizations that evaluate charities to determine which are the most effective in producing measurable results.

Review: “Mindful Work” is a Clear Call for Workplace Meditation

He describes the introduction of meditation at companies such as Aetna, Ford, General Mills and Patagonia.

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