Amy C. Rice is a technical services and systems librarian at Whitworth University. She has been attending Nazarene churches for most of her life. As a result, she often approaches issues through a Wesleyan-Arminian perspective.
Have you ever pondered the wide variety of creatures on this earth? Everything from dogs and cats (whose antics often produce laughter) to zebras, giraffes, platypuses, and some pretty spectacular (and amusing) sea creatures.
My parents were really careful about what they allowed us to watch, and the often previewed a movie so they could figure out which parts might need to be skipped over.
Looking back on my formative years, I have noticed that influential people in my life tended to present things as very black and white, and as an adult I now realize that things aren't that simple.
You have probably heard someone say, “You have to kiss a lot of frogs before you find a prince,” usually regarding dating and finding a mate. In my experience, this also applies to my attempts to find a church. Please look at the breakup letters to a few frogs and one almost-prince.
Every year around this time, I wistfully think that at some point in my life, I might want to attend Comic-Con, the extravaganza of all things geek, from comics and graphic novels to television, movies, and beyond. There are presentations, panels, exhibit halls, and costumes, costumes everywhere!