50.1 F
Thursday, March 6, 2025

Andy CastroLang

Andy CastroLang is a recently retired pastor who joyfully served in the United Church of Christ. She is deeply committed to civil discourse between individuals and throughout our community; in interreligious conversation, private conversation, intergenerational conversation and, yes, even in political conversation. She has been a supporter of FāVS News since its inception because she supports this creative effort at thoughtful community conversation.

To speak, or to be silent?

I know a young couple who recently lost a child through a miscarriage. It was very sad, even heartbreaking. And yet, I didn’t write a note, or make a call, or stop by their home. I felt awkward and I was silent.

Organizing: Turning fear into anger, despair into courage

I learned about community organizing about 14 years ago and it has allowed me to take fear and turn it into cold anger, take despair and remold it into courage to fight for the common good.

Eco theologian to speak tomorrow at Westminster about earth, need for change

The Rev. Michael Dowd is not a techno optimist. In over 2,000 settings in North America, for over 14 years, through two TEDx talks and countless interviews, he has fought for a new theology of Earth and grace and limits.

Bullying in politics

But Hillary showed me how smarts, calm, humor, and yes, disdain can conquer bullies.

I dare not be silent

And then, at that August Coffee Talk I was reminded again that silence is cooperation with the very things I feared and even hated.

Tired, but still standing in ministry

When you have been at this ministry thing a while, when you have been “re-inventing” oneself, “renewing one’s ministry,” “exploring new models,” “challenging oneself to new possibilities” for as long as I have been doing this…it gets tiring.

Being Christian and Political

Here I learned to fight, here I learned to organize. Here I learned to be strategic and coordinated and yes, even aggressive

Must read