Mars Hill’s arrival in Spokane is an interesting one. I don’t agree with some of their divisive, marginalizing stances, but I find that Mark Driscoll aligns with liberal thinking more than we might give him credit for.
Dietrich Bonhoeffer once wrote that “the disunity of the Christian church is a sore that runs through much of the churches two-thousand year history. On the other hand, the richness of the biblical writings is such that their truth could hardly be contained within a single organizational structure. While organizational unity may not be achievable or even desirable, Christians are nevertheless one in Christ and should express that fact in practical cooperation. If Christians who name Christ as their only Lord cannot work together in practical ways, then their confession of Christ may not mean as much as it seems.”
Driscoll aligns with Bonhoeffer in that he’s mentioned an eagerness to partner with other Spokane churches. Here’s hoping he truly means it. And in a way that does Christ justice: allowing for practical partnership with all faiths and values.