Top Types of Prayers to Mary
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The Hail Mary is one of the most well-known prayers in the entire world of religion. But most people don’t realize that the Hail Mary originally started out as a greeting between Christians!
On top of that, not everyone is familiar with all of the different prayers to Mary. Read on to learn all about some of the other prayers to Mary that you can incorporate into your life!
Saint Pio of Pietrelcina’s Consecration to Mary’s Immaculate Heart
Saint Pio was also known as Padre Pio. He began a tradition for himself of consecrating himself to the Virgin Mary every month on the first Saturday. Some believe that he did this in response to a vision he received at Fatima.
Saint Pio expressed that there was only one path that people can walk that would lead to life. He said it was the same path that Mother Mary walked, and that all people should endeavor to do the same.
While Saint Pio would regularly offer this prayer, he would also often pray the rosary.
In St. Pio’s prayer of consecration to Mary’s Immaculate Heart, he would express that his prayer was a renewal of his baptism and first communion. In this prayer, he would pledge to always profess the truth and to live in submission to the teachings of the Pope and bishops.
This prayer closes with a promise to devote oneself to hastening the second coming of Christ, both in one’s heart and in one’s country.
The Morning Consecration to Mary
The morning consecration to Mary is often used to remind people of their daily devotion to their faith. It is an example of one of the short prayers to Mary that is easy to add to a set of daily prayers.
Saint Maximilian Kolbe expressed that we must never have any fear of loving mother Mary too much. In fact, he said, it is impossible to love Mother Mary more than Jesus himself did.
The morning consecration to Mary prayer recognizes the royal role that the Virgin Mary plays in Catholic life. It emphasizes how every part of our lives and bodies can be dedicated to a single purpose. It ends with a request to be guarded and kept by the Virgin Mary.
The Salve Regina
This prayer is also called The Hail Holy Queen. Some types of prayers are also song as hymns, and this is one example. It is traditionally sung as a hymn before Trinity Sunday, but it can also be used more regularly.
The Hail Holy Queen prayer is ones of the oldest Catholic prayers to Mary. It was written many hundreds of years ago in the Middle Ages. It is generally sung or spoken in Latin, though there are various English translations which are also used.
You can learn more about consecration to Mary at this link, as well as how to pray and how to start a prayer.
Know All About the Most Common Prayers to Mary
We hope that you were able to learn something helpful from this brief article on some of the common prayers to Mary. These prayers play such an important role in Catholic faith and practice.
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