I do not necessarily turn to books when I’m feeling down. Most often I turn to music, the New Thought music of praising life or music that creates space for contemplation, and meditation through Native American flute music. From Andy Anderson, Karen Drucker, Donna Michael, Daniel Nahmod, to Carlos Nakai (with many in between). I find that there are wonderful artists that raise my awareness of the presence of Spirit in my life. Music is the creation of Spiritspeaking directly through my heart and raising my consciousness to a higher level of love in the moment.
Books I do refer to are The Science of Mind, Living the Science of Mind, the Tao te Ching, A Path and a Practice, The Prophet, and others that help me not only to understand what is going on but how to move through whatever it is. Books speak to my intellect while music speaks to my soul. I often go to the soul food first and then feed my intellect. There has to be a balance within me that the intellect by itself cannot fulfill, therefore music is important both in my home and in my services.