Understanding Muslim discrimination in Washington State. Learn about the experiences of the Muslim community and the impact of bias on their daily lives.
Remembering Nakba Day: A solemn vigil held in remembrance of the Palestinian displacement in 1948 and reflection on the current conflict in the Gaza Strip.
Sunday’s Vigil for Community Safety — held in opposition to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission’s (FERC) Oct. 19 approval of capacity expansion for GTN's pipeline carrying natural gas from Canada through the Inland Northwest to California — was part lament and part hope and call for action.
Travis McAdam, a Montana-based activist whose efforts to combat white supremacy and other forms of hate have generated regional, national and global impact, and a Spokane-based organization, Muslims for Community Action and Support (MCAS), are this year’s winners of the Eva Lassman “Take Action Against Hate” Awards presented by the Gonzaga University Center for the Study of Hate.