Diverse topics such as environmental justice tied to Spokane's 50th anniversary of Expo '74, a Journey to the Cross, Islamophobia on University of Washington's campus and how adoption got easier for religious parents in Idaho but may be harder for LGBTQ adoptees are just some of the themes we explore in this week's Roundup.
Al Shrock doesn’t watch the scene before him any longer. Instead he stands in the corner, engineers the hydraulics and surveys the crowd as they step into Golgotha.
Roman soldiers hiss as they force a bloodstained Jesus onto a cross and nail spikes through his hands. Shrock maneuvers the hydraulics, which he built, raising the cross against the red-lit sky.
This weekend more than 230 actors will re-create Jesus' final hours with a 30-minute, outdoor walk-through event at Spokane Valley Adventist Church. ...