NEW YORK (RNS) When asked if accepting civil unions would make him “uncomfortable,” New York Cardinal Timothy Dolan said it would because it could “water down” the traditional religious view of marriage.
(RNS) American evangelicals who insist they never supported Uganda's anti-gay law now find themselves on the defense, saying their statements against homosexuality at home are being twisted as an endorsement of harsh penalties against gays and lesbians abroad.
WASHINGTON (RNS) A new survey finds the rapid shift toward favoring LGBT rights in the past decade has a wide impact on American religious and political life.
NEW YORK (RNS) “For the image of God exists in all human beings: black and white; rich and poor; straight and gay; conservative and liberal; victim and perpetrator; citizen and undocumented; believer and unbeliever,” the Imago Dei campaign states.
(RNS) “We have a very excited group of churches and Christian organizations that are joining us,” said the leader of Trail Life USA, which was formed as an alternative to the Boy Scouts. “They’re ready to go.”
(RNS) A Ugandan cleric who ministers to homosexuals has criticized the passage of a controversial law that imposes life imprisonment for homosexual acts.
A new website aims to become a gathering place for Christians who are “Not All Like That” and want to distance themselves from others who oppose gay marriage.
The NALT Christians Project launched on Wednesday (Sept. 4) with the message that Not All (Christians are) Like That,