Constitutional law should be supreme, but I think any judge worth their salt would consider all issues involved in a case but in the end this is America a country founded on a constitution.
This week I’ve been in Canada and experienced their celebration of Canada Day. And as our own Independence Day approaches, I find myself reflecting on nationalism as well as the balance between a deep love of one’s country, and a rabid nationalism that confuses love of country with a religion that demonizes ‘the other.’
The planned economy is imperative in socialism. It is by the method of planning the economy that the socialist attempts to actualize his ideals. One way he can achieve his goals is to dissolve private enterprise and organize a planned economy centralized in the state.
The Founding Fathers were well read in the areas of economics, political separation of powers, and the rule of law with an in-depth knowledge of history. Understanding their background may be why W.C. Skousen in "The Five Thousand Year Leap" commented,